Get Started

  • Step 1

    Registering for our Live Course will only take a few steps! We'll need you to pick your course, leave a $200 deposit, and you'll be good to go until the course starts.

    The rest of the balance will be due once the course begins, which is when you'll receive your materials and take your first steps to LSAT mastery.

    For specific terms and conditions, click here.

  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    If you already have a LawHub subscription, you will be able to link it to your account and we'll simply discount the course price by the cost of the subscription.

    A subscription will be required for the course.

    Do you already have a LawHub subscription from LSAC?

  • Step 6
    LawHub Subscription $135.00
    Total after HST (13%)
    Deposit (Paid Now) $200.00
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Our students tend to like us:

...If you are looking to take the LSAT I highly highly highly recommend HR and promise you it is well worth every penny. Thank you Yoni! — Joey Galinsky

…On the actual LSAT I moved up 13 points from my diagnostic and couldn't be happier. You couldn't be in better hands… — Nicole M.

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